Chiropractic Care

What it is

Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on health care discipline that focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system. The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy, including manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues; treatment also includes exercises and health and lifestyle counseling. Chiropractic employs manipulation and adjustment of body structures, such as the spinal column, so that pressure on nerves coming from the spinal cord due to displacement (subluxation) of a vertebral body may be relieved. Practitioners believe that misalignment and nerve pressure can cause problems not only in the local area, but also at some distance from it. Chiropractic treatment appears to be effective for muscle spasms of the back and neck, tension headaches, and some sorts of leg pain. Following the initial consultation and exam, the chiropractor will formulate a diagnosis, inform the patient of te extent of treatment recommended and how long it can be expected to last. X-rays may alro be requested if necessary.


Initial Visit (1 region): The initial visit includes review of the client's medical history and any relevant documentation, followed by detailed physical examination. The chiropractor then will complete an appropriate record of findings and advise the client on course of treatment.

Initial visit (multiple regions): In case where a detailed examination of more than one region or system is required, or where the complaint is of a complicated nature, the chiropractor will need significantly more time for a comprehensive examination to differentially diagnose the condition.

Re-assessment: Re-assessment involves brief examination of the affected part or region, an appropriate record of findings, and advice to the patient. Re-assessment is usually done upon completion of the treatment plan to monitor the patient's progress.

Chiropractic Adjustment: Chiropractic adjustment involves a specific adjustment/manipulation procedure, directed to a spinal or intervertebral joint in a manoeuver during which the joint is moved within its anatomical range of motion using a fast, low amplitude thrust.

Myofascial Release Therapy (Soft Tissue Therapy): Various manual therapeutic procedures which are applied to the elastocollagenous tissues in order to restore normal flexibility and tone.

Physiological Modalities: Ultrasound, Electrical Current Therapy/IFС/TENS, Heat or Cold Therapy

Work Hardening & Work Conditioning: Work hardening and work conditioning programs are intended to return injured workers to productive work as quickly as possible with minimal functional restrictions. Work conditioning program deals with physical and functional needs that can be provided by one discipline, whereas work hardening program addresses these needs as well as behavioral and vocational needs while utilizing many disciplines (interdisciplinary). Work conditioning program employs physical conditioning and functional activities while work hardening program uses real or simulated work activities.